a heart of gold

Teruntuk Arin, Maybe I don’t travel as much as people in my age. They sure have been traveled a lot to many cities, even countries. And here I am, don’t even leave Java for two years. But that doesn’t mean I know things as much as them, I know, because I see. What do I see? Well, I do know that there are bad and good people in this messy place we lived in called the Earth. And those who are quite neutral, for example, me . And it seems like humans always have times to talking about the bad people, not realizing that by spreading hate by talking about it is also make them one of the bad people. And that makes good people are so rare, and, God, do we deserve them? Do we deserve good people in this, uh, world? Like I said, I don’t travel that much, but I’m certain that I’ve met some of that good people. As examples; I have a friend who doesn’t tell anyone about her something-I-rather-not-mention was stolen just because she thought it would hurts the feeli...