
dear mom

dear mom, stop sending me sweet foods because i don't like it. dear mom, stop bragging about me because i'm not that good in school. dear mom, stop comparing my brother to me because it hurts his feelings. and it hurts me as well. please, i beg you, stop. you have lived for half a century (and i do hope you'll live for another half), and dedicating past decades for being a wife and a mother. i couldn't say you're bad at being a mother neither good at it. but the job itself is a great, hard, difficult task. and not everyone can manage it, but you can. it is not 'wash the dishes and the clothes, sweep the floor, clean the house, do the chores, while still do professional job' kind of hard. but it's 'deal with stubborn, depressed, extremely anxious daughter and hyperactive, dyslexia, hot-headed son whose both have social issues' kind of hard. your husband, my dad, is not an easy person to deal with too. he is presumptuous, loud, and like to ...

frasa dan lensa

adakalanya, frasa tidak mampu memuat rasa mengurai asa namun lensa dinilai bisa kadang, frasa dibenci sulit dipahami tafsir laksana mimpi maka lensa digemari kerap, frasa dikutuk aksara menjelma bentuk absurditas dalam tenunan kata tetapi lensa tetap mendeskripsi sekali reguk frasa dan lensa, apabila tiada apa manifestasi dari ceruk hati manusia yang maruk?

snaps of our trip

Last holiday, which means national examination holiday , April 10th to be precisely, me and my fellow communist feminist friend, Cloud, went to the famous KRB. The trip was... nice but also very tiring . I repeat, very tiring . We decided to walk from the station to the KRB, yes, not that far but still tiring for my weak and unhealthy body. That's why I was surprised, because I didn't faint lol (almost tho). Ha, I took this photo when my feets and my lungs begged me to stop. But then, we managed to continue (lucky me) and actually went to the KRB. I originally only wanted to go to the zoology museum so we actually went there. (No, I won't say that we were too tired to explore the KRB.) Warm and greeny. He bought ice cream, you know, that  ice cream. I'm not a big fan of sweets, so it was a no no from me.  There are many animals, not live though but still cute! We took many photos but it's not possible to put it all here. Here are some of t...

a heart of gold

Teruntuk Arin, Maybe I don’t travel as much as people in my age. They sure have been traveled a lot to many cities, even countries. And here I am, don’t even leave Java for two years. But that doesn’t mean I know things as much as them, I know, because I see. What do I see? Well, I do know that there are bad and good people in this messy place we lived in called the Earth. And those who are quite neutral, for example, me . And it seems like humans always have times to talking about the bad people, not realizing that by spreading hate by talking about it is also make them one of the bad people. And that makes good people are so rare, and, God, do we deserve them? Do we deserve good people in this, uh, world? Like I said, I don’t travel that much, but I’m certain that I’ve met some of that good people. As examples; I have a  friend who doesn’t tell anyone about her something-I-rather-not-mention  was stolen just because she thought it would hurts the feeli...

start 2018 right

yo ya girl's back. for everyone out there who was or currently is in a battle whether with any circumstances, people or even themselves : everything is going to be alright. maybe not today. but eventually. definitely. absolutely. don't set a goal that 2018 will be your year, fuck that! EVERY YEAR IS YOUR YEAR, you deserve to be in a spotlight! xxx, biya.


"Hah? Kamu putus lagi sama pacar kamu? Yang cantik itu?" Lelaki di hadapanku hanya berdeham sambil mengusap wajahnya yang kian hari terlihat lebih dewasa. Ia kemudian menatapku sembari tersenyum tipis. "Kan aku yang putus, kenapa kamu yang repot?" tanyanya ringan.  Entah kenapa siang ini rumah makan langganan kami cukup sepi, padahal biasanya selalu ramai karena karyawan berbondong-bondong datang untuk makan siang. Karena suasana itulah aku dapat mendengar tawa renyahnya dengan jelas. Aku mengeryitkan dahi. "Udah empat kali kamu pacaran dan empat kali juga kamu putus tahun ini, nggak capek? Masa sih, dari semua mantan-mantan kamu nggak ada satu pun yang bikin kamu bener-bener cinta?" "Ada," balasnya cepat denga penuh keyakinan. "Siapa?" "Kamu," jawabnya asal. Bagaimana aku tahu dia hanya menjawab asal? Dia bahkan tidak menatapku saat berkata demikian. Aku mendengus kasar. "Aku bukan mantan...

berjalan sejauh-jauhnya darimu

"Aku siap menerimamu; Baik burukmu. Titip salam untuk semua yang telah meninggalkanmu. Bilang pada mereka, terima kasih telah melepaskanmu. Cara mereka pergi dan mengakhiri hubungan denganmu itu, ternyata menjadi awal l angkahku terhenti dari segala pelarian panjangku." — kamu, dulu sekali *** Berjalan sejauh-jauhnya darimu, memikul-mikul rindu dalam ransel usang yang dulu pernah kau dekap. Berniat melatih diri untuk membelakangi memori kebersamaan kita, walau tetap saja melekat ikut denganku kemana-mana. Dalam perjalananku, Aku menyusuri ramai jejak suara yang bising di telinga namun sunyi di dada. Kusaksikan jari-jari yang menggenggam benda tak bernyawa erat-erat, — seperti kita untuk satu sama lain. debat pembeli dan penjual yang sama-sama keras kepala, — seperti kita untuk amarah yang tak perlu. bau bumbu masakan yang berkali-kali dipanaskan karena tak kunjung laku — seperti kita yang bertahan hanya karena terlanjur lama bersama. Juga seperti...